Mr. Maurizio Tadioli
Maurizio Tadioli, 1967年9月16日出生在克雷莫纳,从幼儿开始便跟随祖父学习小提琴的制作艺术。此外,由于学习钢琴和管风琴,Maurizio Tadioli跟随了许多宗教合唱团和在克雷莫纳及附近的管弦乐团。他于1985年就读于克雷莫纳的Scuola Internazionale di Liuteria并以最高分取得他的证书文凭。在2004年9月,他经常出席在帕尔马由M°Samuel Zygmuntowicz,该领域最权威的资深小提琴制作大师,举办的“仿制和真品”大师班。在2004年10月,他出席参加由M°Christian Bajon和前助手J. Smith和Vatelot举办的弦乐大师班。在2005年9月在帕尔马,他经常出席由M°Greeg Alf举办的“油漆和颜色论”的大师班。
巴洛克式的小提琴由Maurizio Tadioli在1984年提出,现在陈列在国际小提琴克雷莫纳制学校的博物馆中。在1985年制作的大提琴是同年在克雷莫纳举办的冬季圣诞老人四重奏音乐比赛的冠军奖品。在V Concorso di Liuteria(1995年),Maurizio Tadioli的小提琴赢得铜牌和两个特殊的奖项,展现了最高的品格。1997年在Concorso di Baveno的最好的中提琴比赛中获得“CONTI BRANCA”特别奖。2004年11月在VSA比赛中,获得四重奏优秀音色 波特兰(俄勒冈州)-USA-证书。世界著名的小提琴家Yi-Jia Susanne Hou拥有他其中一把1744 Gusrneri dei Gesu的复制品。参考经典模型Cremonese,Maurizio Tadioli是复制过去伟大大师乐器的大师。
Born in Cremona on September 16, 1967, Maurizio Tadioli began studying the art of violin making as a child guided by his grandfather Carlo Pizzamiglio, a self taught luthier. Also, studying piano and organ, Maurizio Tadioli accompanies many religious choirs and orchestral groups in Cremona and the vicinity. He attended the Scuola Internazionale di Liuteria in Cremona obtaining his diploma in 1985 earning the highest grades. In September of 2004 he has frequented in Parma a Masterclass on "Making copies and antiquing" held by M° Samuel Zygmuntowicz, one of the most authoritative experienced violin mkaker of the sector. In October 2004 he attended a Masteclass for the set-up of stringed instruments, held from M° Christian Bajon, ex assistant of J. Smith and Vatelot. September 2005: he has frequented the Masterclass "Varnish and theory of the color" held by M° Greeg Alf in Parma.
A baroque violin by Maurizio Tadioli, wich was made in 1984 is now exhibited in the museum of the International Violin Making School in Cremona. A cello made in 1985 was the prize for the winner of the Quartetto Santa Cecilia musical quartet competition, held in Cremona during the same year. At the V Concorso di Liuteria of Baveno (1995), a violin by Maurizio Tadioli won the bronze medal and two additional special prizes as the violin showing the highest personality. In 1997 won the SPECIAL PRIZE "CONTI BRANCA" for the best work with a Viola at the Concorso di Baveno. November 2004: VSA Competition, Portland (OR) -USA- Certificat of Merit for Tone with a Quartet. The world-famous violin player Yi-Jia Susanne Hou owns one of his 1744 Guarneri del Gesù copies. Normally following the classical Cremonese models, Maurizio Tadioli is expert to make replicas of the great master instruments of the past.