Mrs. Huang Xueying
四川盛音乐器有限公司董事,四川音乐家协会木笛专业委员会副主任,四川音乐学院青年教师,中国内地首位海归木笛( 竖笛)演奏硕士。
the Director of Sichuan Shengyin Music Instrument Co., Ltd., Deputy Director of the Sichuan RecorderAssociation,Lecturer at the Sichuan Conservatory of Music,and the first musician to return to the Mainland China with a master degree in Recorder Performance.
After spending more than a decade in Austria studying music, I had the opportunity to explore in depth, contrast the differences between the Western and Chinese music education systems. In 2013, I introduced an advanced European recorder education system into local schools and after 4 years of exploration, So far, we have had over 100 schools incorporating this system into their classroom music program. This program also enhances the collaborations between local music training centers and public schools.