Mrs. Tang Junqiao
当代中国民乐领军人物、最杰出的笛子演奏家、教育家之一、上海音乐学院教授、硕士研究生导师,上海领军人才;上音高研院竹笛艺术中心主任;上海音协竹笛专业委员会会长、中国竹笛学会副会长、中国音乐家协会竹笛学会副会长、国家艺术基金评审委员、国家教育部学位中心论文评阅专家。 她曾为三十多位国家元首演奏传统笛曲,也是唯一一位带着多部中国竹笛协奏曲与纽约爱乐、英国BBC、德国班贝格等世界著名交响乐团常年合作的民乐独奏家,演奏足迹遍布世界各地。她曾受邀录制李安导演、谭盾作曲的影片《卧虎藏龙》笛子、巴乌的独奏,并与谭盾、大提琴家马友友合作于世界各地巡演该作品。同时她的教学成就卓越,迄今为止她已培养出上海音乐学院15名竹笛学生先后获得全国权威民族器乐专业比赛的29次金奖和第一名,在业界获得“中国竹笛梦之队”的美誉。她出版了数十部教材及专辑,在国家核心刊物发表多篇中国竹笛现代作品发展及展望的论文。而由荷兰唱片公司推出的《中国魔笛─唐俊乔》,在48个国家同步发行,这也是全球第一张SACD笛子演奏专辑。她的成就被收入《中国音乐家辞典》、《中国民族音乐家名典》及英国剑桥传记中心编著的《世界名人录》。
Mrs. Tang Junqiao is one of the most outstanding flute player and educator and currently serves as professor of Shanghai Conservatory of Music. Besides, she also acts as president of Shanghai Musician Association Flute committee, vice president of China Flute Society, Paper Review expert of National Ministry of Education Degree Center etc. She has played traditional flute music for more than 30 presidents. Being the only soloist who has been working with New York Philharmonic, British BBC, Germany Bamberg and other world famous symphony orchestra, she has been giving performance all over the world. She has published more than 10 books and albums, which are highly recognized and praised.