Mr. Yang Zhigang
广东惠州市润声文化发展有限公司总经理。从事琴行及音乐教育培训二十年!河北秦皇岛人,九七年到广东发展至今 ,最早于2000年建立专职教师团队,在中国整个行业最早推广教师分级制度的工资标准体系。在二三线城市综合琴行加培训的经营当中合理分配资源、最大化的有效创造利润,润声现有学生两千人,专职教师及员工八十多的团队,教学利润百分之六十,润声每年至少有二到五名学生考入全国九大音乐学院钢琴系,数十名学生考入本科以上,每年音乐会十几场均为盈利模式,现正在稳步发展中。
Mr. Yang Zhigang is the General Manager of Guangdong Huizhou Runsheng Cultural Development Co., Ltd, who has been working in music education and training for 20 years. He established his professional teacher team in 2000, and now is making great profit in second and third tier cities. His company has 2000 students, and a professional team of more than 80 teachers. 2 to 5 students can successfully enter top 9 National Music Institute every year and the concerts held by his company are also making profit.