Mr. Yu Huidong
于慧东,1977年出生在一个提琴制作世家,父亲于录先生是一位著名的提琴制作师,他从小就深受父亲影响非常喜欢提琴制作。1992年开始跟随父亲于录先生系统地学习提琴制作, 并在1998年考入中央音乐学院提琴制作专业师从郑荃大师深造。学习期间成绩优异,并接受了国际古董提琴鉴定与修复权威英国J & A Beare公司的专业培训,学习了最为专业的古琴修复及鉴定技巧。他的作品工艺精湛、音色饱满华丽、整体风格上遵循意大利传统并融入了个人对艺术的理解,深受各国演奏家和收藏家的喜爱。在各种国际提琴制作比赛中,取得了优异的成绩,其中包括:意大利罗马国际提琴制作比赛小提琴金奖,马耳他国际提琴制作比赛小提琴金奖,中国国际提琴制作比赛小提琴金奖和银奖,中国国际提琴制作比赛中提琴金奖,中国国际提琴制作比赛 大提琴银奖及最佳工艺奖。
Yu Huidong was born in a violin making family in 1977, his father Mr. Yuluis a famous violin maker. Huidong liked violin making when he was a child and began to learn violin making from his father in 1992.After few years he was admitted into the Central Conservatory of Music, study violin making and repairing from Master Zhengquan. He was also trained by J & A BEARE about antique violin repairing and identification. His instruments have exquisite workmanship and brilliant tones; the style follows tradition of Italy and incorporates individual understanding, so deeply loved by players and collectorsallover the world. He won many awards in different international violin making competitions, including: Gold medal of violininItalySANTA CECILIA International Violin Making Competition Gold medal of violinin Malta International Violin Making Competition Gold & Silver medals of violin in China International Violin Making Competition Gold medal of viola in China International Violin Making Competition Silver medal of cello in China International Violin Making Competition