邓建栋 先生/b>

Deng Jiandong


Famous erhu artist

著名二胡演奏家,空政文工团国家一级演员,享受国务院特殊津贴。系中国音乐家协会理事,中国音协二胡学会常务副会长、刘天华研究会副会长,中国民族管弦乐学会胡琴专业委员会副会长,中央音乐学院、中国音乐学院、中国人民大学等高校客座教授。 曾获首届北京全国二胡邀请赛一等奖,第六届中国金唱片奖,2012年入选中央电视台“光荣绽放—中国十大青年二胡演奏家”, 是首位在维也纳金色大厅成功举行独奏音乐会的中国演奏家。他创作的《姑苏春晓》、《吴歌》、《草原风韵》(合作)、《心弦》(合作)等获国内重要奖项;与众多国内外著名乐团合作演出,首演了《第一二胡狂想曲》、《第二二胡狂想曲》、《第三二胡狂想曲》、《乔家大院组曲》等经典作品。
Mr.Deng is a famous erhu artist and national-level actor from the Air Force Art Troupe, enjoying the special allowance of State Council. Besides, he is member of Chinese Musicians Association,executive vice president of the erhu society of Chinese Musicians Association,vice president of Liu Tianhua Research Institute, vice president of the Huqin Sub-Committee of China Nationalist Orchestra Society, as well as guest professor of the Central Conservatory of Music, Chinese Conservatory of Music, Renmin University of China. Mr.Deng once won the first prize of the 1st Beijing National Erhu Invitational Tournament and the Ninth Chinese Golden Record Award. He was selected as one of CCTV “Glory Blossom- Top Ten Young Erhu Artist” in 2012, and he was the first Chinese musician to hold a solo concert in the Golden Hall of Vienna. In addition, many compositions he created have won major national awards, and he made his debut of classic Chinese erhu compositions with many domestic and foreign famous orchestras.