胡丹峰 先生

Hu Danfeng


Trumpet player

10岁开始学习小号,1993年考入上海音乐学院附中,师从陈嘉敏教授,一路攻读至研究生。在校期间一直担任上音青年交响乐团首席小号。2006年毕业留校,担任管弦系小号教师及现代器乐系小号教师。多次参加亚洲青年交响乐团和深圳交响乐团演出。曾在国内外知名音乐节上献上精彩演出,包括上海JZ爵士音乐节,赫尔辛基爵士节,瑞士Lugano爵士节,台中爵士节等,与Niles Landgren、Laura Fygi、Dee Dee Bridgewater、顾中山、Theo Croker、顺子等海内外爵士名家同台献艺。
Dangfeng Hu has been studying trumpet since he was 10 years old, and was admitted to Affiliated High School of Shanghai Conservatory of Music in 1993. He studied with Prof. Jiaming Chen, and achieved master’s degree under his supervision. He acted as the chief trumpeter of Youth Symphony Orchestra of Shanghai Conservatory of Music (SCM)when he was on campus, and became a trumpet teacher in Orchestra Department and Modern Instrumental Music Department of SCM. He has been invited to perform in Asian Youth Youth Orchestra and Shenzhen Orchestra for many times, and performed in music festivals both at home and abroad, such as JZ Festival Shanghai, Helsinki Jazz Festival, Lugano Jazz Festival, and Taichung Jazz Festival, and performed with famous jazz musicians like Niles Landgren, Laura Fygi, Dee Dee Bridgewater, Lawrence Ku, Theo Croker and Shunza.