李婕 女士

Li Jie


Jazz singer

中国现代专业级别爵士歌手,曾赴英国皇家威尔士音乐与戏剧学院深造爵士演唱,成为第一个考入该校的中国爵士女歌手,以优异成绩获得爵士硕士学位。师从Tina May、Brigitte Beraha、Paula Gardener和Huw Warren。演出足迹遍布北威尔士的爵士俱乐部和剧院,JZ Festival、Brecon Jazz Festival、广州爵士音乐节、武汉国际爵士音乐节等,并与著名爵士音乐家如Dee Dee Bridgewater、Victor Wooten、Gilad Atzmon、Richard Roberts、Lee Goodall等共同演出。她是公认的实力派爵士唱将,具备扎实唱功技巧和出色即兴表演,有自己的摇摆二重奏、现代爵士五重奏乐队。
A professional Jazz singer in modern China, she studied jazz singing in Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama as the first enrolled Chinese jazz singer, and achieved master’s degree with excellent performance. She studied with Tina May, Brigitte Beraha, Paula Gardener, and Huw Warren. Many Jazz clubs and theaters in North Wales have seen her performances, and she has been invited to famous music festival like JZ Festival, Brecon Jazz Festival, Guangzhou Jazz Music Festival, and Wuhan International Jazz Music Festival, performing with renowned jazz musicians such as Dee Dee Bridgewater, Victor Wooten, Gilad Atzmon, Richard Roberts, and Lee Goodall. She is regarded as a master of jazz singing with solid techniques and enlightening improvisation. She also has her own duet and quintet bands.