任宇清 先生

Ren Yuqing


Bass performer

任宇清——贝司演奏家,外号"爵士大叔",中国顶级爵士品牌JZ Music创始人。他用爵士和世界沟通,让爵士在中国成为生活的一部分,也让爵士在中国越来越多的城市萌芽! 他让越来越多的国际顶级爵士音乐家认识了中国爵士的蓬勃发展,也引领海纳百川的中国爵士走向世界!
Yuqing Ren, nicknamed Uncle Jazz, is a bassist and the founder of JZ Music, China’s top jazz brand. He communicates with the world through jazz music, and brings jazz into Chinese people’s everyday life. He has been introducing Chinese jazz to the world, and thanks to his effort, more and more international jazz musicians get to know Chinese jazz development.